The federal government has opened grant applications (worth between $1 m and $20 m) for a fourth priority sector -- Food and Beverage -- under the Modern Manufacturing Initiative. Food and Beverage is the largest employer of all manufacturing sectors and consistently the leading performer in economic indicators such as the Performance of Manufacturing Index. It has been identified as one of the six National Manufacturing Priorities by the federal government, along with Space, Medical Products, Resources Technology and Critical Minerals Processing, Recycling and Clean Energy, and Defence “To strengthen our economy we need to make the most of our natural advantages in agriculture, and that means adding as much value as we can to raw materials through manufacturing,” said industry minister Karen Andrews in a statement.
The Manufacturing Translation and Integration Streams
The Manufacturing Translation stream will help manufacturers translate good ideas into commercial outcomes. It will also encourage investment in non-R&D innovation.
The Manufacturing Integration stream will help manufacturers integrate into local and international supply chains and markets.
Commonwealth funding will be provided on a co-investment basis and will be up to 50% of eligible project costs.
The application process for these two streams will be a one-stage process.
Closes Date: 27th April 2021
Food and Beverage
Australia has an international reputation for producing premium, safe and high-quality food and beverage products. Close proximity to Asian markets and a reputation as a trusted supplier of premium goods has led to the food and beverage sector becoming a major manufacturing sector for the Australian economy. There are opportunities to bring food and beverage manufacturers together to:
manage the development of new products for emerging markets
translate research into commercial applications
manufacture locally and export more high value products to overseas markets.
Modern Manufacturing Initiative – Manufacturing Translation Stream
The Manufacturing Translation Stream provides businesses with funding to support projects that translate high quality research into commercial outcomes and support businesses to scale-up and be more competitive and resilient. It provides co-funding to support businesses to adopt new technologies and improve their manufacturing processes to boost productivity and competitiveness
What do you get?
Co-funding grants of between $1 million to $20 million, up to 50% of the eligible project expenditure.
Who is this for?
Businesses with projects to translate research into new or improved products or manufacturing processes with eligible expenditure of over $2 million.
The Manufacturing Translation Stream will support projects that aid the translation of high quality research and ideas into commercial outcomes and support businesses to scale-up and become more competitive and resilient. It will support businesses to adopt new technologies and improve their manufacturing processes to boost productivity and competitiveness.
The objectives of the Manufacturing Translation Stream are to:
support Australian manufacturing businesses and entrepreneurs to translate and commercialise good ideas into new and enhanced commercial outcomes including new high-quality products and services and solutions
encourage manufacturers to adopt new technologies and develop new processes and innovative solutions to build scale and capability
support Australian manufacturers to grow and build scale and overcome challenges facing their sector (as outlined in the relevant priority road map)
create new jobs in the manufacturing sector
support Australian manufacturers to pivot to high value-added activities
attract investment, including venture capital investment to develop ideas and translate research into commercial solutions and outcomes
increase manufacturing capability, expertise and specialisations, business acumen, knowledge diffusion and stimulate innovation in Australian manufacturing
grow and support manufacturing networks and ecosystems and increase collaboration.
The intended outcomes of the Manufacturing Translation Stream are to:
increase number of businesses and manufacturers translating their research and ideas into commercial products, services and solutions
increase investment including from venture capitalists in commercialisation and translation activities, focused in the National Manufacturing Priority areas
establish and expand new and existing modern manufacturing businesses in the National Manufacturing Priority areas with sustainable business growth
increase manufacturing exports and value of the manufacturing sector to the economy
grow high value skills and jobs in the National Manufacturing Priority areas
develop a global and international reputation as a country with a growing modern manufacturing sector and capability.
Modern Manufacturing Initiative – Manufacturing Integration Stream
The Manufacturing Integration Stream supports projects that integrate Australian businesses into domestic and international value chains, propelling their goods and services into new markets. It provides co-funding to encourage linkages between local businesses and domestic and international firms, increasing scale, supply capacity, and the ability to innovate. It will also facilitate the adoption of product standards and greater sharing and transfer of knowledge.
What do you get?
Co-funding grants of between $1 million to $20 million, up to 50% of the eligible project expenditure.
Who is this for?
Businesses looking to integrate their products and services into domestic and international value chains with eligible expenditure of over $2 million
The Manufacturing Integration Stream will support projects that integrate Australian businesses into domestic and international value chains. It should propel their goods and services into new markets and foster Australia’s reputation as a modern manufacturing leader.
It will encourage and facilitate linkages between local businesses and domestic and international firms, increasing scale, supply capacity, and the ability to innovate. It will also facilitate the adoption of product standards and greater sharing and transfer of knowledge.
The objectives of the Manufacturing Integration Stream are to:
support Australian manufacturing businesses and entrepreneurs to participate in local and global value chains
encourage manufacturers to adopt new technologies to support entry into new markets with innovative solutions to build scale and capability
support Australian manufacturers to overcome barriers that are preventing them from identifying and accessing new value chains (as outlined in the relevant priority road map)
create new jobs in the manufacturing sector, by integrating into new local and global value chains
identify opportunities for Australian manufacturing businesses, particularly in the National Manufacturing Priorities, to connect and network with local and global customers
increase investment in Australian manufacturing, targeting the National Manufacturing Priorities
increase Australian exports through greater participation in global value chains, contributing to Gross Domestic Product
increase manufacturing capability, particularly in relation to identifying and participating in, new local and global value chains
grow and support manufacturing networks and ecosystems and increase collaboration.
The intended outcomes of the Manufacturing Integration stream are to:
increase trade and participation of Australian manufacturers and businesses in local and global value chains and markets
grow Australia’s manufacturing capabilities and global reputation as a modern manufacturing nation
enhance collaboration throughout the manufacturing sector to support participation in value chains
increase global integration and competitiveness of Australian manufacturers
increase manufacturing exports and value of manufacturing sector to the economy
grow high-value skills and jobs.